Shure University

This alternative university was founded in 1999, when a preparatory meeting was set up in Shinjuku City, Tokyo, by young people who needed an organization of this kind. There is no pre-defined curriculum, so each individual designs their own education according to what they want to learn and what they want to express. It is a university at which students can create a way of life tailored to their own needs and wishes, exploring what suits them best in terms of how they want to live their lives, what kind of relationship they want to have with money as they do so, and how they want to engage with other people and society as a whole. Each student chooses which days to attend school, how many years they want to attend, and the way in which they attend, so attendance patterns differ from one individual to another. It is a place from which students fly the nest once they feel that they have found a self with which they can live. There are 30-40 or so young people aged 18 or over, who are also involved in running the university based on discussion and consensus. We want to be a place where they can take positive steps through a process of trial and error as they consider what kind of people they want to be and how they want to live their lives. Our key focus is offering a chance to forge links with others with peace of mind, so that students can explore their interests fully and possibly delve into them in greater depth.

© Arts Council Tokyo