Tanpopo-no-Ye Foundation

The Incorporated Foundation Tanpopo-no-Ye was founded in 1976 (becoming General Incorporated Foundation Tanpopo-no-Ye in 2014). This citizen group implements a wide range of art projects from the standpoint of “art” and “care.” It forges creative relationships between people through art, with a view to creating a culture and society that embraces diverse values. The social-inclusion-themed “Able Art MOVEMENT” was put forward in order to examine the social significance and civic culture of art, and now operates all over Japan and in various Asian cities. In order to create a caring society that values consideration towards others and mutual support, the foundation is engaged in the Care for Caregivers Project,which incorporates information exchange communities and culture-based methods. In recent years, it has collaborated with people with disabilities to develop the “Good Job! Project.” This project creates new employment and working mechanisms which transcend the fields of art, design, business and welfare. The group’s diverse initiatives include nationwide exhibitions and forums, and the establishment of the “Good Job! Center Kashiba” (http://goodjobcenter.com), a new hub for manufacturing and distribution. It also contributes to civil society and culture, for example by operating the “Art Meets Care Society” which connects researchers with practitioners, and people with different standpoints.

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