Invitation from BIENALSUR
The International Contemporary Art Biennial of South America (BIENALSUR) operates in collaboration with a network of South American cities. In fall FY2017, TURN was invited to the first BIENALSUR.
Although rooted in local regions and traditions, BIENALSUR’s aim is the cross-border promotion and advancement of global arts and culture. As well as the invited artists, 350 artists from 75 countries had their projects selected from roughly 2,500 open call submissions. Exhibitions will be rolled out simultaneously in partnership with cities in 12 South American countries including Buenos Aires, the hub of the event.
BIENALSUR is organized by the National University of Tres de Febrero (UNTREF) in Buenos Aires. Planning for TURN at BIENALSUR was conducted mainly by UNTREF with Tokyo University of the Arts.
When TURN got its invitation, project supervisor Katsuhiko Hibino went to Buenos Aires in November FY2016 where he spoke at a symposium, and visited local welfare facilities with TURN project members. Then the following May he visited South American again. For this second visit to South America, he visited Lima in Peru in addition to Buenos Aires. As well as visiting exhibition venues and welfare facilities in each region, he met a variety of people including local artists and residents.
After two field visits, it is finally time for the start of TURN in BIENALSUR. Artists based in Japan, Argentina and Peru will take their skills in traditional crafts to welfare facilities in various South American countries for implementation of the Interactive Program, in which artists have ongoing interaction with facility users and staff members. Workshops and exhibitions of works that result from this process will be held in each city where the project is implemented.
Participating from Japan will be three artists: Yasuaki Igarashi and Daisuke Nagaoka,who have already been involved in TURN in Japan, and new member Tomoko Iwata. The participation of five local artists from South America has been finalized, and they will initiate the project together with participating facilities and communities.
Look out for future developments from the other side of the world.
Scenes from the field visits