TURN NOTE: Words among TURN 2020

In accordance with the objective of creating a new society where TURN exists, TURN NOTE attempts to gather words that can act as the means for people of different backgrounds to interact, document and share. We re-read or re-listen to recordings of the events, collecting a large number of words from daily reports and such from the past year.
With the subtitle “WORDS among TURN,” this fifth TURN NOTE is a compilation of words generated from programs implemented over one year, in response to our changing society.
This time around, specifications include the use of multiple types of paper, so that you can also get enjoyment from the different textures and feel of the book in your hands.
The full text can be viewed as a PDF file. Please take a look.
Author profiles
About TURN
TURN 2020
Editorial Supervisor: Tsukasa Mori (Project Director of TURN, Arts Council Tokyo)
Editors: Yuki Tamura (the nonprofit organization Art’s Embrace), Maria Hata (Arts Council Tokyo)
Editorial Cooperator: the nonprofit organization Art’s Embrace (Eriko Amo, Kanako Iwanaka, Laila Cassim, Makoto Tamaoki, Takuto Higashino, Makoto Higashino, Misako Murakata, Marina Yamaguchi)
Arts Council Tokyo (Yukari Araki, Tomohiro Hasegawa)
Design: Genki Abe
Translation: Office Miyazaki, Inc.
Printing: Watanabe Printing
Published: March 19, 2021
Specifications: A5 variations
Number of pages: 124
*Japanese-English bilingual
You can download the PDF version from the link below.
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