TURN NOTE: Words on TURN 2017

In accordance with the objective of creating a new society where TURN exists, TURN NOTE attempts to gather words that can act as the means for people of different backgrounds to interact, document and share.
For this second publication, we re-read, re-listened , and recorded numerous words from the year’s events, daily reports, email exchanges and so on. Moreover, on each page we included explanatory notes so that the reader could better imagine the circumstances in which the words quoted were spoken.
We decided on the subtitle “Words on TURN.” This is because the words we collected gave the impression of being based on feelings, ideas and thoughts that went beyond subjective thinking; words which came from touching upon and having contact with something other than the speaker/writer’s own existence.
About TURN
Editorial Supervisor: Tsukasa Mori (Project Director of TURN, Arts Council Tokyo)
Editor: Riko Okuyama (Coordinator of TURN, Arts Council Tokyo)
Editorial Cooperator:
Arts Council Tokyo (Satsuki Asano, Maria Hata, Shoko Yamauchi, Marina Yamaguchi),
the nonprofit organization Art’s Embrace (Eriko Amo, Kanako Iwanaka, Yuki Tamura, Makoto Higashino)
Design: Tetsuya Hoshino
Photo: Riko Okuyama, Tengyo Kura, Ryohei Tomita
Translation: Office Miyazaki, Inc.
Printing: Yamada Photo Process co., Ltd.
Published: March 22, 2018
Specifications: A5 variations
Number of pages: 136
*Japanese-English bilingual
You can download the PDF version from the link below.

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