随分と僕らに慣れてきたのか、工房を訪れるたびに身体的な距離が徐々に近くなっているように感じている。彼らが僕と一緒にいて居心地がいいと感じてくれていると思うと、僕もとても嬉しい。メンバーのMさんは会うと毎回ハグしてくれるし、他の人もハイタッチしようと近づいてきたり。ボディタッチがなかったとしても、とにかく近くにきてくれるのだ。そうHさんもね! 彼、いつも踊ってるね!
Today we came to the facility in the morning, they were already rehearsing Macarena dance when we arrived by singing without music!
We chose this song because it is very famous, can have a fun with the dancing and its chorus is easy to sing. So, not only the members of kamimachi but also it’s staff could join.
They look very enthusiastic and motivated to the dance for their summer grand festival. They look more having fun than when we started last month.
It could be because I see more confidence with the music or with us….?
They are more familiar with us and getting more close as physical distance every time we go there. It makes me happy to know they are more comfortable with me. M-San hugs me every time we meet and others started coming towards to me to greet give me high fives and sometime less physical contact but comes towards to us! Even with H-san! He is always dancing!
I’m also feeling more gaining familiarity from the staff. In particular Nagai-San, in the beginning, I felt he was not sure with what we do as much as we didn’t know what we could do. But now I see he is participating the dance and music together with us. I hope we are gaining trust.